Bajan soldiers in World War One

Bill Hern’s review of Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC) graves from the First World War on Barbados is now complete – there are articles on the Historycal Roots site covering the twelve soldiers who are commemorated on the island by a CWGC  headstone. The articles are arranged in alphabetical order from Archer to Yard.

The first to enlist was Martin Luther Taitt (September 1915), the last was Fitz Grandison (in May 1917). Taitt also has the distinction of having served the longest – he died in a military hospital in Trinidad on 31st August 1919 having served almost exactly four years.

Bill has no further excuse to visit Barbados which makes his decision to go again early in 2018 all the more strange, perhaps it isn’t just the opportunity to do research on behalf of Historycal Roots that attracts him?!

Congratulations to Bill on completing his project and do please contact us if you are a descendent of any of these brave men..